work with me

spirited Coaching & Mentorship

UNDERSTAND YOUR NATURE; LIVE YOUR DESIGN.  Surrender, Relax, Trust, Accept.  experience the joy that it is to be you. and remember what it feels like to truly love yourself.

Working together might feel radical at first. I challenge old dogmas, write new rules, and encourage you to do the same. There’s a fine balance between dedicating yourself to being the best and fullest version of yourself, and forgetting that all this really means is to embrace all of you, exactly as you are, without shame, fear, or guilt for being bad or wrong about it.

We all have a healing path to go down, and, from personal experience, healing trauma and addiction goes much faster when we are clear on what is consistent in us and know how to live life as ourselves, as shown through the Human Design Bodygraph. 

With Need Motivation, it is important to me that you get what you need during our time together. My clients say they get more than they pay for. 

I possess a natural preponderance to work with Authorities (people who are experts, specialists, thought-leaders on particular subjects and like to go deep), and Leaders (people who know they’re here to lead, perhaps as a Role Model, and perhaps in work or in their personal lives), and they need some support in building up comfortability in taking on these roles. To build up the embodied self-trust that is required to sustain the next level of growth and awareness, we must know who we are, and what we are not.

I am not for you if you have no interest in Human Design or Astrology, or do not care to embrace your mundane life. I’m all for the magic and wonder of life, however life by nature is mundane, and we must learn to find peace and acceptance in this fact if we are to be truly OK with all aspects of ourselves. 

I do not need you to have massive goals and aspirations, but I do need you to be ready to play, experiment, and surrender to yourself.

Cacti against a starry night sky

Each session you will be drawn back to your Design as we venture into the foray of your life..

  • Grow your presence or business from a place of confidence and awareness
  • Identify what is not-self, and support your de-conditioning process
  • Learn how to nourish your body and mind according to Human Design
  • Relax, in all the good ways
  • Celebrate wins big and small
  • Laugh with love and compassion at the hard stuff
  • See clearly what it really means to be YOU
  • Develop a solid action plan that probably doesn’t look like one you’ve made before
  • Learn to trust yourself and life in a radical new way
  • Know what you are, and what you are not, and live with confidence from this place
  • Connect with your wisdom and clearly share your thoughts and experience

So what else…

  • I like to have fun. Life can feel very serious sometimes, and that’s not my Spleen’s jam. Let’s play, baby 😉
  • I prefer to work flexibly with people and create bespoke offerings to suit individual needs. I will be honest with you on what I think will work best for you according to where you’re at, and encourage you to follow your authority before deciding
  • During an Introductory Call, we may discuss your suitability for long or short-term engagements
  • Sessions are offered online via Zoom (with recording) or in-person near Caloundra, Qld
  • Bookings are scheduled and rescheduled through Acuity for ease of use
  • No special supplies are needed, just an accurate birth time (if not possible, send me an email to discuss)
  • I am very happily queer and sex-worker friendly; please advise of your preferred pronouns and any other considerations you would like me to be aware of

I offer the following services:

  • Single Mentoring Sessions
  • Human Design Foundation Readings
  • 6 month+ Radical Mentoring Engagements (schedule an introductory call to see if we’re a fit. The price and structure of the engagement will be tailored to your needs)
ready to start?

here's how we can work together:
Human Design
Foundation Reading

If you’re ready to see with new eyes and bravely step forward into who you came here to be, then this is the place to start.

How you’ve thought of yourself may radically change after our session. And that includes how you think you need to live in order to feel a sense of personal accomplishment in this life. It’s exhausting living as not-self, and I’m here to show you a new way. It’s simple, but not always easy.

During our session, I will start with an overview of what it means to be you, before diving into what I list below. I am high-feeling and energetically sensitive, and I have a particular knack in sensing people’s core fears and greatest gifts. I bring this awareness into all client work.

My readings are more of a dialogue-style, and since there’s a lot to cover, you may want to consider booking a second follow up session to cover off whatever we did not get time for. Personally, I would recommend this, but it is up to you and your inner authority. 

This is what we’ll cover together:

  • type, strategy, authority, profile, and an overview of your variable (diet, environment, view, motivation)
  • what is the ‘not-self’? What is your true self? 
  • conditioning factors like bridging gates
  • defined and undefined centres
  • channels

This session runs approximately 90min. You will receive a personalised written Human Design report prior to our session that will be helpful for you to refer back to, and I will provide additional resources for you to take away and continue your study with. We will meet on Zoom and the meeting will be recorded for you to download. 

Price: $310AUD (1.5hrs)
Add-on Session: $160AUD (1hr)



If you’re seeking a coach that will guide you according to who you are based on your Human Design and Astrology charts, then these mentoring sessions will not disappoint. 

I’ve engaged many coaches and healers in the past, and what I’ve come to learn is that I cannot truly resonate with people who don’t hold an adequate depth of Human Design knowledge. Because, I can’t trust where someone is coming from if they have no grasp on what part of themselves they are living from. I am not a Generator; I want to be treated as the Projector that I am.

It’s this awareness that I bring to my mentoring sessions with others.

It’s OK if you don’t know a lot about Human Design; I’ll meet you where you’re at.

For these sessions, bring some ideas of what you’d like to discuss, and what you’d like to get out of our time together. 

I am high-feeling and energetically sensitive, and I have a particular knack in sensing people’s core fears and greatest gifts. I bring this awareness into all client work.

If you are resonating, book at the link below.

These sessions run approximately 60min. We will meet on Zoom and the meeting will be recorded for you to download. I may suggest homework and send additional resources after our call if it feels appropriate. 

Price: $210AUD (1hr)



Package A: 

Human Design Foundation Reading +
6 Mentoring Sessions

▵ Sessions held and recorded via Zoom
▵18 months expiry on Mentoring Sessions – book at your leisure

Price: $1280 (Save $290)

Book Your Foundation Reading


Package B: 

6x Mentoring Sessions

▵ Sessions held and recorded via Zoom
▵18 months expiry on Mentoring Sessions – book at your leisure

Price: $1080 (Save $180)

Book Your First Session

Email me at if you have questions prior to booking.



Are you seeking a mentor/mentee relationship? 

This sort of engagement comes with closer support between sessions. The individual Mentoring Sessions listed above are great for people who don’t require support in between their sessions, whereas this experience is designed to support and empower you as you need. You will have full access to me via email and text, which may feel comforting if you are struggling strongly with something and need additional support. As a Projector, I am always holding space for people in this container, whether we are immediately talking or not. 

Together, we will soften into loving all parts of yourself.  There is a great deal of progress that can be made in one’s journey in allowing everything, exactly as it is.  It will feel counter-intuitive at first, but it will bring about long-lasting and easeful change.

There is much richness and adventure available to us when we learn that the safety we always sought outside ourselves, is right there inside.  You will explore your true nature, love and heal your wounds, and remember how it feels to love yourself unconditionally.

Your Roadmap may look something like this:
  1. Accepting that going it alone is not the best option. Congratulations on hearing the call.
  2. Practicing self-compassion when you’re the hardest on yourself, so that you can start re-wiring pathways and bring in love on a cellular level
  3. Noticing thought patterns & practicing detachment so that you can stay out of the self-defeating mental loops of the not-self (shadow)
  4. Emotional processing & learning how to feel emotions without repressing, so that your body can start purging trapped and often old pain and trauma, without your mind distracting you through over-analysis
  5. Identifying & examining core beliefs so that you can rebuild your foundations in a conscious & consensual way
  6. Consciously embodying your life-force frequency so that you can live as your true self, detached from unnecessary stress, worry and pressure 
  7. Acclimating to a life in which uncertainty is interesting, being conditioned or influenced by others is amusing, and trusting that your strategy and authority are right action
  8. Relaxing, being yourself, and doing things that feels good, with the knowing of who YOU are, and what you are not. And being 100% OK with that.


Throughout this transformative journey…
  • You are held in the regenerative & fertile healing energy of a supportive, tribal Projector
  • Be deeply seen through the lens of love, and nudged towards your highest potential
  • You will come to remember that you are not only deserving of love, but that you are love, and it’s time to come home to yourself

What you get:
  • Private coaching (we’ll set the length and frequency of sessions together based on your needs)
  • Email/text support between sessions where you can check in, ask questions, share wins, etc
  • Sessions run via Zoom unless you are local to the Sunshine Coast & would like to meet in person
  • Downloadable video recordings of each session
  • Coaching portal with resources & session notes to track progress
  • Your personalised Human Design report



Book a Call NOW ⬇️

Have questions before booking?

Email me at, or find me on Instagram @projectorqween.


what else IS THERE TO KNOW?

  • Practically & compassionately navigate feelings of fear around money, love, time, and self-worth
  • Learn to ride the emotional highs and lows & understand the power available through them
  • An upgraded & enlightened approach to overcoming addictions & self-sabotage behaviour like eating to stop feeling, working too much to avoid something, buying stuff you don’t need to have a fleeting moment of happiness, too much social media, and more
  • Working with your triggers to understand why they happen while down-regulating your nervous system
  • Develop a deep and unshakable love for yourself – and for others
  • Stop doing things how everyone else does them and discover your own unique & infinite soul / body wisdom
  • Discover & live by your own truth without worrying what other people will think
  • Understand that there is much more to you than meets the eye.  You are here; the world needs you to shine your true nature
  • Understand your Human Design & Astrology charts, with ongoing support to integrate this knowledge.  Learn the mechanics & traits of how you were engineered to move through the world this lifetime. (click here to find out more about Human Design & Astrology)
  • Buddhist & Taoist teachings incorporate ancient, enlightened softening ‘strategies’ for peaceful living
  • A nurturing space to speak, share emotion & feelings without judgement, and express what is inside of you so you may become more fully integrated and whole – not split and separated!
  • Quantum/virtual journeys of exploration & healing are powerful in discovering deeper aspects of yourself and reconciling previously lost or forgotten aspects of yourself
  • Potent emotional processing techniques for the unavoidable triggers, pain, frustration, anger, and bitterness that life gifts you with
  • Practice radical trust & compassion for more consistent states of joy, love, calmness, and peace
  • Build your confidence & courage to live in self-expression that defies repetition and recycled thoughts
"Nicola beautifully tailors each session to your needs by listening deeply and offering useful reflections and opportunities. She has the ability to understand and support some of the more subtle spiritual challenges, as well as the mundane. Either way, she is able to bring it back to very relevant and pragmatic support, that can help with navigating everyday difficulties. She provides support and guidance without imposing or instructing, but by allowing you to guide where the sessions go and how much you are comfortable in exploring. She has a very warm and light approach and uses laughter to make the sessions enjoyable and healing."
Peter Shepherd
Zen Thai Shiatsu Therapist

see if you're ready for coaching

"WOW where do I even begin sharing my gratitude for this Woman! Nicola was a gift to me from the Universe without a doubt. :’) Before our paths crossed I was deeply unsatisfied with my current reality and was plucking up the courage to take back my POWER and FOLLOW my intuition and dreams. In the time of having Nicola as my coach, I felt a gigantic SHIFT within my heart and soul. The sessions together were always exciting and I looked forward to them every single time. I am now in a much more grounded space. I feel proud of how far I have come and have a new found clarity of the direction I’m heading in. I am now taking consistent and actionable steps towards my goals daily and more determined to prove to myself that I can achieve all that I desire and more. I am feeling more confident to be my authentic self regardless of rejection from others.
If you are someone in need of guidance around anything that is holding you back I couldn’t recommend Nicola enough. You can be sure that you will get to know your soul on a deeper emotional level and feel safe. If you go in with an open mind and a readiness to grow you will be truly HAPPY you made the choice to work with her. <3 xx"
Laura Towell
Holistic Health Practitioner

Astrology & human design

Knowing WHO YOU ARE is a critical first step as you begin to blossom and explore your newly awakened reality.  Nicola will teach you strategy, authority, challenges & how to overcome them, and internal/external drivers of why and how you operate in various areas of life so you can stop second guessing yourself and live in greater alignment and less resistance.

Human Design combines Astrology, I-Ching, Judaic Kabbalah, and the Hindu Chakra system to bring you greater awareness of how you’ve been designed to function in this lifetime.  This will demonstrate how to use your energy for greatest impact, live in less resistance, find your Soul purpose and much more.

Astrology takes a snapshot of our Solar System at the time of your birth, and from the placements of the planets we get an accurate view of how you express yourself in this lifetime.

Awareness is key, and knowing yourself to such depth is a great first step to living an empowered, happy and balanced life.

Your unique Astrology & Human Design blueprints are discussed throughout your work with Nicola to allow for maximum impact and ease of integration.

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